Dr. Dana AlZoubi

  • Assistant Clinical Professor

Dr. Dana AlZoubi is an assistant clinical professor in the Department of Instructional Systems and Workforce Development. She holds a Ph.D. in Educational Technology and Human-Computer Interaction (co-major) from Iowa State University. Her research lies at the intersection of educational technology, learning analytics, and human-computer interaction – three fields that inform her work on employing human-centered approaches to design technology tools to improve teaching and learning processes.  Her research interests include instructors’ sensemaking processes of learning analytics dashboards, their reflective practices, and the subsequent pedagogical actions they take accordingly.

She utilizes engaging approaches in her teaching practices with the core tenets of building empathy, problem-solving, and co-design processes. Dr. AlZoubi has held different positions in professional organizations. She is the current AECT Strohbehn intern and the AECT Design & Development Division’s Board Associate. She has also served in different AERA SIGs and divisions as the AERA Campus Representative for 2020-2022.


Website: www.danaalzoubi.com

Twitter: @Dalzoubi1

Research gate: Dana Alzoubi

LinkedIn: Dana AlZoubi

Profile Image Alternative Text: Dana AlZoubi, Ph.D.