Accreditation, Endorsements, Associations, and Certifications

The Industrial Technology Program at Mississippi State University believes in offering a high-quality degree program that utilizes hands-on, applied skill, and project-based learning scenarios. We believe that it is important for both students (and the professional community) to have confidence in the level of education INDT @ MSU has to offer. Because of this, we have chosen to obtain several forms of accreditation, endorsement, association, and certification to demonstrate our commitment to not only meet industry standards and demands, but also to exceed them.

In addition to our current program and faculty credentials, INDT @ MSU is currently working on obtaining several more accreditations and endorsements to demonstrate the quality of the INDT program.

ATMAE Accreditation:

The Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) is the leading accreditation body for the Industrial Technology field. We believe ATMAE Accreditation is the best way for our program to demonstrate its content and rigor due to its high standards for program curriculum and design, exceeding the expectations of the field.

The expected accreditation date is Spring of 2023. You can view our Self Study document HERE. Please check back for future updates. 




Learn more about ATMAE:

NAPTA Association:

The North American Process Technology Alliance (NAPTA) is the universally recognized organization of Process Technology (PTEC) education professionals and industry stakeholders. We believe that having a PTEC curriculum that meets (or exceeds) the NAPTA association requirements ensures that students in our PTEC concentration will receive a quality education that prepares them for working in the PTEC and Industrial fields. Expected associated status date: Spring 2023

Learn more about NAPTA:

Other Endorsements, Associations, and Certifications:

Student Certifications Offerings

Program Credentials

Faculty Certification & Credentials