Dr. Wayne Yu

Dr. Wayne Yu
Dr. Wayne Yu


Where are you from? What school did you receive your degree from?


Country of Origin: Taipei, Taiwan.

Alma Mater: Mississippi State University. Ph.D in the Dept. of ISWD.


What classes do you teach?


  • TKT 3463 Computer Repair and Maintenance
  • TKB 4563 Intro to Data Networks
  • TKB 4573 Data Networks II
  • TKT 4753 Media for Presentation, Instructions and Gaming



What is your favorite part about MSU?


My favorite part about MSU is the people. There is no greater joy than coming on campus every day, knowing that people around you are vested in embracing a culture that is diverse, equitable and inclusive. They stand ready to go all in with you in the pursuit of greatness.


What are your research interests?


Technology facilitated collaborative learning, Technology enhanced learning and Computer Assisted Language Learning.


What is one piece of advice you would pass on students about the programs or about college in general?


There is no free lunch. A successful college career requires hard work, dedication and sacrifices. However, you are never alone in this journey. The faculty and the staff are always here to cheer you on and to support you the best way we know how.  


What advice would you give students as they enter the program?


Be the captain of your ship. Develop a game plan and stick to it. Stay hungry and stay curious. Being mediocre is not an option.


What are some of your hobbies?


Go for a run, Go to the movies, Read (text)books, Prepare a home-made meal after a long and busy week.